31 research outputs found

    Social Tagging: Exploring the Image, the Tags, and the Game

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    An increasing amount of images are being uploaded, shared, and retrieved on the Web. These large image collections need to be properly stored, organized and easily retrieved. Tags have a key role in image retrieval but it is difficult for those who upload the images to also undertake the quality tag assignment for potential future retrieval by others. Relying on professional keyword assignment is not a practical option for large image collections due to resource constraints. Although a number of content-based image retrieval systems have been launched, they have not demonstrated sufficient utility on large-scale image sources on the web, and are usually used as a supplement to existing text-based image retrieval systems. An alternative to professional image indexing can be social tagging -- with two major types being photo-sharing networks and image labeling games. Here we analyze these applications to evaluate their usefulness from the semantic point of view. We also investigate whether social tagging behaviour can be managed. The findings of the study have shown that social tagging can generate a sizeable number of tags that can be classified as interpretive for an image, and that tagging behaviour has a manageable and adjustable nature depending on tagging guidelines

    EBSD study of superplastically strained Al-Mg-Li alloy

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    In this study, electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) was employed to examine the microstructure evolved during superplastic deformation of advanced Al-Mg-Li alloy. In contrast to the widelyaccepted conception of superplasticity, the microstructure was found to be characterized by elongated grains, a notable fraction of low-angle boundaries, and a distinct (though a very weak) crystallographic texture. All these observations suggested a significant activity of intragranular sli

    Analysis of resistance to stem rust and identification of <i>Sr</i> genes in introgressive lines of spring bread wheat

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    Background. Due to the increase in the harmfulness of wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Erikss. &amp; E. Henn.) in the Volga region, and the likelihood of the spread of the aggressive Ug99 race, an assessment of the genetic diversity of wheat breeding lines and identification of effective Sr genes are of fundamental importance.Materials and methods. Ninety spring bread wheat introgressive lines with stem rust resistance, developed at the Federal Center of Agriculture Research of the South-East Region, were analyzed. Molecular markers were used to identify resistance genes: Sr24/Lr24, Sr25/Lr19, Sr26, Sr28, Sr31/Lr26, Sr32, Sr36, Sr38/Lr37, Sr39 and Sr57/Lr34. The analysis of plants for resistance was carried out according to standard methods; the Stakman scale was applied to determine the type of reaction.Results. The genes Sr31/Lr26, Sr25/Lr19, Sr57/Lr34, Sr38/Lr37 and Sr39/Lr35 were identified in the analyzed breeding lines. Sr25 was found in 51 lines (56,7% of samples), Sr31 in 41 lines (45.6%), Sr57/Lr34 in 5 lines, Sr38 in 10 lines and Sr39 in one line. Combinations of resistance genes were identified: Sr31+Sr25 in 28 lines (31.1%), Sr25+Sr38 in 5 lines, and Sr25+Sr39 in one line. The Sr24/Lr24, Sr26, Sr28, Sr32 and Sr36 genes were not identified.Conclusion. As a result, promising highly resistant introgressive wheat lines with promising combinations of Sr31+Sr25, Sr25+Sr38 and Sr25+Sr39 genes were identified. They can be used in Russian breeding programs for immunity

    EBSD study of superplasticity: New insight into a well-known phenomenon

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    Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was applied to investigate the superplastic behavior of a fine-grain Al-Mg-Li alloy. It was found that microstructural changes were noticeably influenced by the occurrence of continuous dynamic recrystallization. This mechanism involved a transverse subdivision of pre-elongated grains which eventually transformed into chains of nearly-equiaxed grain

    EBSD study of superplastically strained Al-Mg-Li alloy

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    In this study, electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) was employed to examine the microstructure evolved during superplastic deformation of advanced Al-Mg-Li alloy. In contrast to the widely-accepted conception of superplasticity, the microstructure was found to be characterized by elongated grains, a notable fraction of low-angle boundaries, and a distinct (though a very weak) crystallographic texture. All these observations suggested a significant activity of intragranular slip

    Разнообразие паразитов и микроорганизмов у каспийских сельдевых рыб

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    The aim of the study was to investigate a species composition of parasites and microorganisms and determine infection rate of Caspian herrings. Methods and materials. The objects of the study were Caspian and big-eyed shad, Alosa braschnikowi, that were caught at the aquatic area of the Northern Caspian Sea in spring period 2014, 2015. Collection and processing material was carried out in accordance with generally accepted methods in parasitology and microbiology. Scientists used determinants in species identification. Results and discussion. Parasitophauna of Alosa braschnikowi, Caspian and big-eyed shads were presented by 7 species, relative to classes: Monogenoidea - 1; Crustacea - 1; Trematoda - 2; Nematoda - 2; Acanthocephala - 1. Wide-ranging enteral trematodes Pseudopentagramma symmetricum induce high level of infection of herrings. Fauna is the most variously presented by Caspian big-eyed shads. Fluctuations in parasitophauna structure are connected with ecological conditions, food chains and specificity of parasites to theirs hosts. Indicators of transformation processes of ecosystems are indicator species of parasites and fish microorganisms. As a part of the study it is estimated, that internal organs and gills of herrings were contaminated by microorganisms. The maximum number of bacterium was noted in intestines and gills. The Enterobacteriaceae microorganisms held the dominant position. Besides bacterium there are have been revealed cystophores of micromycetes in liver and spleen in the process of organs microscopic examination. All revealed parasites and microorganisms were characterized by epizootic and epidemiologic significance. However they coexist on the level of symptom-free carriage, without exhibiting the development of invasive and infectious processes in the body of the examined fishes.Цель исследований - изучить видовой состав паразитов и микроорганизмов, а также определить степень зараженности каспийских сельдевых рыб. Материалы и методы. Объектами исследований служили каспийский и большеглазый пузанок, долгинская сельдь, выловленные на акватории Северного Каспия в весенний период 2014-2015 гг. С целью изучения паразитофауны морских сельдевых рыб патологоанатомическому вскрытию подвергнуто 88 экз. долгинской сельди и 36 экз. каспийского пузанка. Для микробиологических исследований отобрано по 15 экз. каспийского и большеглазого пузанков. Учитывали число мезофильных аэробных и факультативно-анаэробных микроорганизмов, видовой состав бактерий, их факторы патогенности и антибиотикорезистентность. Сбор и обработку материала осуществляли в соответствии с общепринятыми в паразитологии и микробиологии методиками. При видовой идентификации использовали определители. Результаты и обсуждение. Паразитофауна долгинской сельди, каспийского и большеглазого пузанков представлена 7 видами, относящимися к классам: Monogenoidea - 1, Crustacea - 1, Trematoda - 2, Nematoda - 2, Acanthocephala - 1. Сельдевые рыбы вызывали широко распространенные кишечные трематоды Pseudopentagramma symmetricum. Наиболее разнообразно фауна паразитов представлена у каспийского пузанка. Флуктуации в структуре паразитофауны связаны с условиями среды обитания, трофическими связями и специфичностью паразитов к своим хозяевам. Показателями происходящих процессов трансформации экосистем являются индикаторные виды паразитов и микроорганизмы рыб. В ходе исследований установлено, что внутренние органы и жабры сельдевых рыб были заражены микроорганизмами. Максимальная численность бактерий отмечена в кишечнике и жабрах. Доминирующее положение занимали микроорганизмы сем. Enterobacteriaceae. Кроме бактерий, в печени и селезенке рыб при микроскопировании отпечатков органов выявлены гифы микромицетов. Все обнаруженные паразиты и микроорганизмы характеризовались эпизоотической или эпидемиологической значимостью, при этом, они сосуществовали на уровне бессимптомного носительства, не вызывая развития инвазионных и инфекционных процессов в организме обследованных рыб

    Разнообразие паразитов и микроорганизмов каспийских сельдевых рыб

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    The aim of the study was to investigate a species composition of parasites and microorganisms and determine infection rate of Caspian herrings. Methods and materials. The objects of the study were Caspian and big-eyed shad, Alosa braschnikowi, that were caught at the aquatic area of the Northern Caspian Sea in spring period 2014, 2015. Collection and processing material was carried out in accordance with generally accepted methods in parasitology and microbiology. Scientists used determinants in species identification. Results and discussion. Parasitophauna of Alosa braschnikowi, Caspian and big-eyed shads were presented by 7 species, relative to classes: Monogenoidea - 1; Crustacea - 1; Trematoda - 2; Nematoda - 2; Acanthocephala - 1. Wide-ranging enteral trematodes Pseudopentagramma symmetricum induce high level of infection of herrings. Fauna is the most variously presented by Caspian big-eyed shads. Fluctuations in parasitophauna structure are connected with ecological conditions, food chains and specificity of parasites to theirs hosts. Indicators of transformation processes of ecosystems are indicator species of parasites and fish microorganisms. As a part of the study it is estimated, that internal organs and gills of herrings were contaminated by microorganisms. The maximum number of bacterium was noted in intestines and gills. The Enterobacteriaceae microorganisms held the dominant position. Besides bacterium there are have been revealed cystophores of micromycetes in liver and spleen in the process of organs microscopic examination. All revealed parasites and microorganisms were characterized by epizootic and epidemiologic significance. However they coexist on the level of symptom-free carriage, without exhibiting the development of invasive and infectious processes in the body of the examined fishes.Цель исследований - изучить видовой состав паразитов и микроорганизмов, а также определить степень зараженности каспийских сельдевых рыб. Материалы и методы. Объектом исследований служили каспийский и большеглазый пузанок, долгинская сельдь, выловленные на акватории Северного Каспия в весенний период 2014 г., 2015 г. Сбор и обработку материала осуществляли в соответствии с общепринятыми в паразитологии и микробиологии методиками. При видовой идентификации использовали определители. Результаты и обсуждение. Паразитофауна долгинской сельди, каспийского и большеглазого пузанков была представлена 7 видами, относящимися к классам: Monogenoidea - 1; Crustacea - 1; Trematoda - 2; Nematoda - 2; Acanthocephala - 1. Высокую степень инвазии сельдевых рыб вызывали широко распространенные кишечные трематоды Pseudopentagramma symmetricum. Наиболее разнообразно фауна паразитов представлена у каспийского пузанка. Флуктуации в структуре паразитофауны связаны с условиями среды обитания, трофическими связями и специфичностью паразитов к своим хозяевам. Показателями происходящих процессов трансформации экосистем являются индикаторные виды паразитов и микроорганизмы рыб. В ходе исследований установлено, что внутренние органы и жабры сельдевых рыб были контаминированы микроорганизмами. Максимальная численность бактерий отмечена в кишечнике и жабрах. Доминирующее положение занимали микроорганизмы сем. Enterobacteriaceae. Кроме бактерий в печени и селезенке рыб при микроскопировании отпечатков органов выявлены гифы микромицетов. Все обнаруженные паразиты и микроорганизмы характеризовались эпизоотической или эпидемиологической значимостью, при этом, они сосуществовали на уровне бессимптомного носительства, не вызывая развитие инвазионных и инфекционных процессов в организме обследованных рыб

    Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation Affects Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Extracellular Oxidized Cell-Free DNA: A Possible Mediator of Bystander Effect and Adaptive Response

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    We have hypothesized that the adaptive response to low doses of ionizing radiation (IR) is mediated by oxidized cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragments. Here, we summarize our experimental evidence for this model. Studies involving measurements of ROS, expression of the NOX (superoxide radical production), induction of apoptosis and DNA double-strand breaks, antiapoptotic gene expression and cell cycle inhibition confirm this hypothesis. We have demonstrated that treatment of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with low doses of IR (10 cGy) leads to cell death of part of cell population and release of oxidized cfDNA. cfDNA has the ability to penetrate into the cytoplasm of other cells. Oxidized cfDNA, like low doses of IR, induces oxidative stress, ROS production, ROS-induced oxidative modifications of nuclear DNA, DNA breaks, arrest of the cell cycle, activation of DNA reparation and antioxidant response, and inhibition of apoptosis. The MSCs pretreated with low dose of irradiation or oxidized cfDNA were equally effective in induction of adaptive response to challenge further dose of radiation. Our studies suggest that oxidized cfDNA is a signaling molecule in the stress signaling that mediates radiation-induced bystander effects and that it is an important component of the development of radioadaptive responses to low doses of IR


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    Sorption characteristics of anion-exchanger Purolite A830 by W from Na2WO3 solutions with pH 2.5-3.0 were determined. The value of dynamic exchange capacity of resin at full saturation was 458,51 kg W m-3. The 15% ammonia water solution was most effective eluent for W